Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Divorce Parties

I've certainly had both clients and opponents who throw "divorce parties" on our around the day a judgment of dissolution is entered in his or her case, but never heard of the former couple throwing one together until now (see link below)

In my practice, I have had clients in the past who suffered spousal abuse and then had a divorce party, and could not help but be glad for them that they have supportive people and greater happiness to look forward to in their future lives.... I have also been sad for clients, however, who still harbored affection for their exes and who were well aware that their spouse had plans to celebrate the split. And then there have been folks who made elaborate plans for a divorce party and then learned that their divorce would not yet be final on the expected date for one reason or another.

My advice: If you are going to have a divorce party, consider the extent to which you can publicize it without causing undue offense to others, and plan dates carefully to ensure that your party isn't premature.…/couple-throws-party-friends-…/story…

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